Technological and Environmental Challenges for the Industry of the Future.


desafío 1

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

desafío 2

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

desafío 3

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

desafío 4

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

El congreso de Alacero se realiza anualmente desde 1962 y es el mayor espacio de encuentro para la cadena de valor de la industria del acero latinoamericana.

Schedule Descarbonization Forum

Tuesday, October 29

15:30 - 15:35


15:35 - 16:00

Overview of progress towards decarbonization. Technologies that will make it possible. Is it feasible to meet the established goals?

16:00 - 16:40

Debate the technical, economic, and cultural obstacles to adopting decarbonization technologies in existing factories and new facilities within the Cement, Energy, and Steel industries.

Speaker: TBD

16:40 - 17:00


17:00 - 17:40

Cases of implementing new technologies and digital tools that enhance to process efficiency, decarbonization, and safety in the industry. Lessons learned and challenges faced in the industry.

18:20 - 18:30

Closing and conclusions





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John E. Lichtenstein

Managing Partner
World Steel Dynamics

John has been a trusted advisor to global metals and mining senior executives for more than 30 years, with extended tenures as the global industry consulting practice leader at Accenture, Arthur D. Little and RCG Research Consulting Group.

John’s primary expertise is in the areas of strategy, organization, and business transformation, with a current focus on steel industry decarbonization. He has worked with clients in all the key metals-producing regions and countries including USMCA, EU, CIS, Brazil, India, and China where he lived for two years.

John is a widely recognized industry thought leader with numerous published papers. He has been a featured speaker at industry events around the world including more 15 appearances WSD’s at Steel Success Strategies Conferences.

• John holds a B.A. in Philosophy with distinction from Yale College and M.B.A. from the Yale School of Organization and Management


CEO ArcelorMittal – Aços Planos América Latina

Academic Background

  • Bachelor’s in Mechanical Industrial Engineering from the Higher Education Foundation of São João Del Rei (Funrei, 1992)
  • Master’s in Environmental Management from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, 1998)
  • Business Management from the Dom Cabral Foundation (FDC, 2001)
  • PhD from São Paulo State University (Unesp, 2012)

Professional Experience
With a background in Mechanical Engineering, complemented by a master’s and PhD in greenhouse gas reduction, he brings nearly 40 years of experience in the steel industry, specializing in sustainability. His expertise encompasses environmental management, climate change, and greenhouse gas reduction initiatives. Throughout his career, he has led numerous impactful projects in these fields. Currently, he is the General Manager of Sustainability at ArcelorMittal Brazil, where he oversees sustainability strategies and initiatives on both national and international levels. Additionally, he has served as the chair of the Sustainability Committee at the Brazil Steel Institute.

Karl Purkarthofer

CEO of Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH


Executive MBA – IE Business School, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, Spain

Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Economics (DI) – University of Technology, Graz, Austria

Professional Career

1993 – 1998
– VAI (Environmental Technologies), Linz, Austria – Project and Sales Manager 1993 -1996
– General Manager of Technology 1996 – 1998

1998 – 2001
– Director of Project Management (Electrical Steelmaking

2001 – 2006
– SIEMENS VAI, Linz, Austria
– Project Director (Cold Rolling and Processing Technologies)
2006 – 2011
– BLYNK, INC., Charlotte, USA
– Co-founder and CEO (Consumer Business)

2011 – 2015
– SIEMENS VAI, Linz, Austria
– Senior Vice President / Head of Strategy & Business Excellence

2015 – 2016
– Primetals Technologies, London, United Kingdom
– Senior Vice President / Head of Integration Management (JV

2016 – present
– Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Linz, Austria
– Formation of Joint Ventures PTTS and HPTMS in China/Tangshan
– Executive Vice President / Head of Global Business Unit Services
2016 – 2024
– Member of the Executive Management Team 2020 – present
– CEO 2024 – present

Alexandre Rizek Schultz

Head of Russula’s operations in South America

Alexandre Rizek Schultz has overseen Russula’s operations in South America since 2013. He has been with the company since 2002, where he has held roles in automation engineering and led energy cogeneration projects.

Alexandre began his career at Asea Brown Boveri in 1994, working in the steel industry on long product rolling mill projects. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Mauá Institute of Technology and has completed executive education programs at prestigious business schools, including the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Brazil.

He actively promotes ESG initiatives in company contracts, aiming to bring development and opportunities to underserved communities in municipalities where Russula operates. Deeply committed to environmental issues, he is a strong advocate for the sustainable development of industry.

Cenira Nunes

CEO ArcelorMittal – Aços Planos América Latina

Cenira has spent 25 years working in the environmental sector of the metallurgical industry, with the last 20 years dedicated to Gerdau. More recently, she has played a key role in developing and implementing the company’s sustainability strategy. She contributed to defining Gerdau’s materiality process and oversees the preparation of the Natural Capital chapter for the Integrated Report. She also leads the management of the company’s GHG target-setting process and their inclusion in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Additionally, she is involved in securing Gerdau’s certification as a B Corporation.

Cenira holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), a postgraduate degree in Metallurgy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), an MBA in Environmental Management from UFRJ, and a Master’s in Sustainability from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). She has also completed the Strategy Program at the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD).

José Fonrouge

Global Sustainability Senior Director at TERNIUM

José Fonrouge, Global Sustainability Senior Director at TERNIUM leading the Decarbonization Strategy, Vice President of the Environment Department of the UIA (Industrial Argentine Chamber), President of the Environment Committee of Worldsteel and Alacero.

He is an Environmental Engineer and holds a Postgraduate degree in Environmental Technology and Management

Carolina Amoroso

Conductora y periodista especializada en la agenda internacional

Carolina Amoroso es conductora y periodista especializada en la agenda internacional. Conduce en Todo Noticias los programas TN Internacional Está Pasando, uno de los noticieros diarios del canal. Estuvo al frente de Bella y Bestia, junto con Nicolás Wiñazki, fue columnista en el ciclo Desde el Llano, de Joaquín Morales Solá y conductora de TN Central. También, en 2020 y 2021, condujo las dos temporadas de la serie documental Argentina Penélope.

Además de la conducción, realiza informes y coberturas especiales. Se desempeñó como corresponsal de guerra en Ucrania, donde estuvo tres veces desde el comienzo de la invasión rusa a gran escala. 

Viajó también a la selva del Darién, en la frontera entre Panamá y Colombia, para cubrir la ruta migratoria más peligrosa del continente y estuvo como enviada especial en las últimas elecciones en Chile y Brasil. En 2019, cubrió la salida del poder de Evo Morales en Bolivia. En estos años, ha dedicado gran parte de sus coberturas periodísticas a la situación humanitaria de Venezuela. Estuvo en 2019 en la frontera colombo-venezolana en ocasión del frustrado paso de la ayuda humanitaria y, en 2020, publicó el libro “Llorarás: historias del éxodo venezolano”, en el que recopila testimonios de quienes han tenido que escapar de su país.

En 2022, su trabajo fue reconocido con un Martín Fierro en la terna por Mejor Labor Conducción Femenina por TN Central. Además, por el documental Darien, la odisea de los migrantes, recibió, junto al resto del equipo de realización, el premio Fopea en la categoría “Periodismo en Profundidad”. Ese mismo trabajo fue declarado de interés para la Comunicación Social por la Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y recibió recientemente tres Telly Awards. También en 2022, Carolina publicó junto a Juan Meiriño, el libro Hackear la Argentina. La esperanza del boom tecnológico.

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