

Executive Director – Casa dos Ventos

Vice President of Global Management
of products – WHIRLPOOL

Community Relations Director of the Techint Group

Entrepreneur and technologist

Gerdau Global Leader of Organizational Development and Social Responsibility

Executive Director – Vale Foundation

President of ArcelorMittal Brasil
CEO Aços Longos and Mineração LATAM

Head of Industry 4.0 – PRIMETALS

CEO de Ubiratã

Expert in global trends, former professor at Harvard University, author, and investor

Energy Commercialization Director at ENGIE Brazil Energia

President of the Department of Energy of the Argentine Industrial Union

President of the Foundation and Director of Future at ArcelorMittal



Managing Director Russula South America

Executive Director of Alacero

CEO Gerdau
President of Alacero

Latin America political analyst. Author
Editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly

CEO Gerdau
President of Alacero


Carolina Amoroso

Journalist specialized in international affairs

Carolina Amoroso is a host and journalist specialized in international affairs. She hosts the shows “TN Internacional” and “Está Pasando” on “Todo Noticias”, which are prominent daily news shows on the channel. In the past, she co-hosted “Bella y Bestia” alongside Nicolás Wiñazki and was a columnist on the show “Desde el Llano” with Joaquín Morales Solá. Furthermore, she took the reins of “TN Central.” Additionally, in both 2020 and 2021, she took on the role of hosting both seasons of the documentary series “Argentina Penélope.”

In addition to her hosting duties, she also produces reports and special coverage. She worked as a war correspondent in Ukraine, having made three visits since the onset of the large-scale Russian invasion. She also traveled to the Darién jungle, situated on the border between Panama and Colombia, to cover the most dangerous migration route in the continent. She assumed the role of a special envoy during recent elections in both Chile and Brazil. In 2019, she covered Evo Morales’ departure from power in Bolivia. Throughout these years, a substantial portion of her journalistic endeavors has been focused on the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. In 2019, she was present at the Colombian-Venezuelan border during the unsuccessful attempt to deliver humanitarian aid. In 2020, she published the book “Llorarás: historias del éxodo venezolano,” which compiles testimonials from those who had to escape their country. 

In 2022, her work was acknowledged with a Martín Fierro award nomination in the category for Best Female Hosting for “TN Central.” Additionally, for the documentary “Darien, la odisea de los migrantes,” both she and the production team were honored with the Fopea award in the “In-depth Journalism” category. This same project was recognized as being pertinent to the field of Social Communication by the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires and was recently bestowed with three Telly Awards. Also in 2022, Carolina, in collaboration with Juan Meiriño, published the book “Hackear la Argentina. La esperanza del boom tecnológico.” 

Lucas Araripe

Chief executive officer at Casa dos Ventos

Lucas Araripe is chief executive officer at Casa dos Ventos. He has been with the company since its foundation and actively participated in the exploratory campaign that culminated in the identification of the largest portfolio of wind projects in Brazil.

With more than 15 years of experience in the market, he holds a degree in Business Administration from Insper, with an extension degree from Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and specialization from Singularity University. He is also a member of “Muda o Presente”, a non-profit ESGtech dedicated to the restoration and protection of the Atlantic Forest.

Luis Barrio

Vicepresidente de Gestión Global
de Productos – WHIRLPOOL

Luis se incorporó a Whirlpool a principios de 2018 y lideró la estrategia del equipo de Abastecimiento
Estratégico de Norteamérica hasta julio de 2022. A partir de julio de 2022, Luis lidera la introducción de
nuevos productos para Norteamérica y Latinoamérica siendo el responsable directo de los proyectos de
preparación de la base de suministro a nivel mundial. También lideró el negocio de pequeños electrodomésticos KitchenAid desde el punto de vista GSS hasta julio de 2023.
A partir de julio de 2023, Luis es el responsable directo del Abastecimiento Estratégico Global de Latinoamérica, Herramientas y Equipos Globales, y es el responsable funcional de Lanzamientos Globales de Nuevos Productos.

Antes de unirse a Whirlpool, Luis trabajó catorce años en Faurecia, un proveedor automotriz mundial.
Luis trabajó recientemente en Auburn Hills, Michigan, como Vicepresidente de asientos automotrices para
de Norteamérica. Antes de Faurecia, trabajó 10 años en Valeo en puestos que iban desde Gerente de
compras hasta Gerente de Planta en España, Argentina y Tejas.

Barrio es Ingeniero Mecánico y posee una Maestría en Aeronáutica de la Universidad Nacional de
Córdoba, en Argentina, y un MBA de la Escuela de Negocios CEREM en España.

Santiago Bilinkis

Entrepreneur and technologist

Santiago Bilinkis is an entrepreneur and technologist. In the business world, he co-founded and led Officenet, the largest office supplies company in Argentina and Brazil, which was acquired by Staples Inc. a few years ago. He has also founded several other companies and actively participates in various civil society organizations. He is the author of the blog "Riesgo y Recompensa," one of the most widely read entrepreneurship blogs in the Spanish-speaking world.

Currently, he is a founding partner of Quasar Ventures, a technology company incubator. Passionate about science and technology, he was selected in 2010 to attend Singularity University at a NASA campus in Silicon Valley, where he had the opportunity to learn from leading scientists worldwide about the cutting-edge advancements in disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Biotechnology, Neuroscience, and Nanotechnology.

Currently, he is dedicated to promoting scientific outreach through talks and presentations, writing for print media, and hosting a column in Basta de todo, one of the most popular radio programs in Argentina. In 2013, he was featured in the Discovery Channel documentary 2111, alongside figures like Ray Kurzweil, James Canton, and Aubrey de Grey. He was recently recognized as a Prominent Personality in the field of Science and Technology by the City of Buenos Aires.

Santiago is an economist, graduated with a Gold Medal at “Universidad de San Andrés”. In recent years, he gave numerous speeches at universities such as MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Business School and for manycompanies and governmental entities. He recently published the book Pasaje al futuro, released by Penguin Random House (Sudamericana). He has also recently published the books Pasaje al futuro and Guía para sobrevivir al presente (Guide to Surviving the Present).

Paulo Boneff

Global Head of Organizational Development and Social Responsibility at Gerdau

His role at Gerdau
Leader of organizational development process at Gerdau, focusing on Culture and Internal Communication. He is also responsible for social responsibility projects and processes, including social investment and volunteerism. Leader of a corporate team with the objective of supporting Gerdau’s operations in nine countries.

Paulo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. He pursued further studies in Global Business, International Marketing, and Negotiation at Group ESC Troyes – France, and specialized in sustainable business strategy at Harvard Business School (United States of America). He is a member of the League of Intrapreneurs and Responsible Leaders network at the BMW Foundation. Additionally, he is a member of the Board of Directors for the Museum of Mines and Metals, the Board of Directors for Junior Achievement Brazil, and the Board of Directors for the Mais Unidos Group.

Pâmella Braga De-Cnop

Executive Director of the Vale Foundation

She began her career at Vale and since 2005 has worked on issues related to the social area and relationships with communities. She worked on aligning Vale’s Social Investment for units abroad. She also worked at the British Oil and Gas company BG Group and at Shell as responsible for Social Performance Management, including socioeconomic aspects of environmental licensing.

Jefferson de Paula

President of ArcelorMittal Brasil, CEO of Longos and Mineração LATAM

Member of the ArcelorMittal Group Executive Committee, he has been working in the steel industry for over 36 years. He has been with the group since 1991, having held various executive positions in Brazil, Argentina, the Americas and Europe.

As an outsider to the ArcelorMittal group, Jefferson is currently vice-president of the board and member of the strategic council of the Associação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais (FIEMG), president of the board of directors of Instituto Aço Brasil and member of the executive council of Associação Latino-Brasil. American Steel (ALACERO).

Jefferson holds a degree in metallurgical engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil), and has executive training at business schools such as Fundação Dom Cabral (Brazil), Universidad Austral – IAE School of Business (Argentina), Insead (France) and Kellog School of Management, Northwestern University (USA).

Kurt Herzog


Kurt Herzog completed his master’s degree in Industrial Automation at the Technical University of Vienna and his MBA at the Linz Management Academy.

In 1997 her started to work for VAI, a predecessor company of Primetals Technologies, in the area of Process Automation and held several management functions in Electrics and Automation as well as in Engineering. Since 2016 he is responsible for the Industry 4.0 portfolio of Primetals Technologies.

Marcelo Martinez Mosquera

President of the Energy Department of the Argentine Industrial Union
Marcelo Martinez Mosquera is a consultant in Global Energy and Energy Transition.
He is an Industrial Engineer from the “Universidad  de Buenos Aires” and holds a Master in Business from Stanford University.
He was part of the Techint Group for 50 years – 15 years in the steel companies and then he was the CEO of Tecpetrol SA for 18 years, since its creation.
He is a Boca Juniors fan.
Married, 4 children, 18 grandchildren.

Mateus Jarros

CEO de Ubiratã

Mateus Jarros es CEO de Ubiratã, una joint venture entre Gerdau y Spacetime Labs que brinda tecnología de gemelos digitales a la industria de base. Antes lideró el fondo de corporate venture capital de Gerdau, Gerdau Next Ventures, donde estructuró sus operaciones y coordinó inversiones en distintos países de las Américas. Fue consejero de diversas startups y fondos del portafolio. También se desempeño como consultor de PwC, actuando en las áreas de
auditoría, M&A, finanzas corporativas y estrategia. Economista egresado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río Grande do Sul (PUCRS), tiene un posgrado por la Fundación Dom Cabral, una especialización en finanzas corporativas por la Universidad de Ohio, y de venture capital por la Universidad de Pensilvania (Wharton).

Vikram Mansharamani

Expert in global trends, former professor at Harvard University, author, and investor.

· One of the greatest independent thinkers of our time, a generalist in the age of specialists. 

· A great economist, investor, and former professor at Harvard and Yale University. 

· Author of “Think for Yourself” and “BOOMBUSTOLOGY: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst.” 

· Member of the Global Future Council on Complex Risks at the World Economic Forum. 

· Information that may seem irrelevant can lead to powerful conclusions when one manages to connect the dots. 

· Mansharamani shows why generalists are better suited to navigate times of uncertainty than specialists. 

· How to anticipate the future, manage risk, and detect opportunities. 

· The growth of the Middle Class and its impact on different industries, sectors, companies, and countries. 

· Projects scenarios about the future of food, water, agriculture, raw material, sovereign debt, financial markets, and much more. 

Gabriel Mann dos Santos

Energy Commercialization Director at ENGIE Brazil Energia

Gabriel Mann is an experienced professional with proven expertise in the commercial field and 22 years of experience in the Brazilian electric sector. Since 2018, he has been the Energy Commercialization Director at ENGIE Brazil Energia, overseeing the areas of energy trading and marketing, market intelligence, and marketing.

He joined the company, at that time still “Gerasul”, in 2001, where he worked in the Business Development department, focusing on new power generation projects, including renewables sources. Later in 2009, managed the Energy Marketing and Sales department of ENGIE Brasil Energia in what was later called “Tractebel Energia,”being responsible for energy sales and purchases, customer care and client relationships with industrial and commercial clients of the company and other market players.

From 2015 to 2018, he worked as the Commercial and Innovation Director at ENGIE Brazil, responsible for developing the BtoC (business-to-customer), BtoB (business-to-business), and BtoT (business-to-territory) segments, as well as overseeing the company’s innovation activities in the country.

Gabriel holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Sciences) from the Universidade Federal of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil, and an MBA in Business Administration from Fundação Dom Cabral, in association with the Kellogg School of Management, USA. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the UFS and in Business Administration from the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc), Brazil.

Tatiana Nolasco

President of the Foundation and Director of Future at ArcelorMittal

Tatiana is native of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, and she is 43 years old. She is married and a mother of Rafael (9) and Paula (7). She holds a bachelor’s degree in production engineering from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and has an MBA in business administration with a specialization in management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

For the past 23 years, she has been working in the steel industry. Tatiana began her career at ArcelorMittal as an intern in the 2000s, joining on March 8th, which is symbolic as it is International Women’s Day. Throughout the years, she has held managerial positions in various areas including Competitiveness and Management, Planning and Logistics, Supplies, Rolling, and Technical Management and Quality.

 Tatiana Nolasco was the first female director of the industrial unit at ArcelorMittal in Brazil and Latin America, a position she held for three years.

In 2023, she took over as Head of ESG, Innovation, Technology and Business Transformation Department at ArcelorMittal . In charge of the Directorate of the Future (as the area is known), she also holds the positions of CEO of the ArcelorMittal Foundation and Açolab, the world’s first open innovation lab in the steel industry.

André Quinderé


Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Federal de Ceará (UFC), with an MBA in Project Management from the Fundación Getulio Vargas (FGV) and with an MBA in Business Management from IBMEC. CEO of Aval Engenharia e Tecnologia.

For 15 years, he actively participated in construction management and was responsible for the implementation of the philosophy, concepts and tools of Lean Thinking in different construction companies throughout Brazil, on different types of projects. In the academic field, he is a professor of Planning and Control of Works at the Universidad Corporativa of SindusCon, in the Brazilian state of Ceará, having taught the same discipline in the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program at UFC.

At Aval Engenharia e Tecnologia, he currently works with his team in a continuous pursuit of implementing Industry 4.0 technologies on the construction site with the aim of leveraging sector productivity.

The applications developed by the company have already been used in more than 500 construction sites, in addition to consulting services focusing on BIM modeling, budgeting, and planning using Lean concepts and project management.

In total, 65,000,000.00 square meters of total built area have been budgeted, planned, and monitored by Aval, highlighting the achievement of the CBIC Innovation and Sustainability Award for Agilean in 2020 and 2022.

He has been a speaker at different national and international events such as the InovaConstruir Experience, ENIC, and Construsummit in 2021 and 2022, as well as Conenx 2022 in Portugal.His presentations focuson increasing efficiency in construction companies through theuse of technologies and new management practices.

Rolando Paolone


After graduating from the mechanical engineering program at the Arturo Malignani High School in Udine, Rolando Paolone joined Danieli in 1985 as a draftsman at Danieli Morgårdshammar –the long-product hot rolling mills division of the Danieli Group.

In 1989 Paolone became Team Leader of the design office, and five years later he was appointed design manager for the rolling mill finishing area, becoming technical director of the hot rolling mill division for long products in 2001.

Continuing his career in the long-product rolling mills, in 2006 he took the responsibility for leading the process and technological department, and three years later as EVP – technology for the division, which at that time started supplying also rail and heavy-section mills.

In 2014 he was appointed co-director of the Danieli Research Center, and since 2018 chief technology officer of the Danieli Group, member of the Danieli executive board and member of the Group executive board.

Also, he is chairman of Danieli Centro Combustion and SUND Birsta since 2020.

Presently, since November 2021, Rolando Paolone is CEO of Danieli plantmaking and CTO of the Danieli Group –plantmaking and steelmaking.

Martin schichtel

CEO – Kraftblock

Martin was born in Saarbrücken, Germany, in 1969. He graduated with a doctorate degree in Chemistry from the University of Saarland with a focus on Nanoparticle Composites and Smart Coatings. Martin founded Kraftblock together with his co-founder Susanne in 2014.

He filed his first patent in 1998 and has 20 years of experience in material development, production and sales. As the Head of the Department of Ceramics he developed the Department of Polymer Nanoparticle Composites at the Institute for New Materials, University of Saarland. Subsequently he headed the Smart Coatings division at ItN Nanovation AG.

Alexandre Rizek Schultz

Since 2013, Alexandre Rizek Schultz has been responsible for managing Russula’s operations in South America. He became a part of the company in 2002, where he took on roles involving automation engineering and co-generation energy projects.

In the steel industry, he began his professional career at Asea Brown Boveri in 1994, specializing in long product rolling projects. With a degree in electrical engineering from Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, he has also received executive training from prestigious business schools, including Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Brazil.

He supports ESG initiatives within the company’s contracts. He is committed to driving progress and creating opportunities for marginalized communities in the cities where Russula undertakes projects. As a fervent advocate for environmental causes, he is dedicated to advancing sustainable practices within the industry.


CEO of Ternium

Máximo Vedoya is the CEO of Ternium, one of the main steelmakers in the Americas. Máximo Vedoya is also President of the Latin American Steel Association (Alacero), President of the National Chamber of the Iron and Steel Industry (Canacero) in Mexico, Vice President of the Chamber of the Industry of Transformation (Caintra) Nuevo León and Vice President of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin). He graduated as an Industrial Engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and studied a Master Degree of Science in Management at Stanford University (USA).

Alejandro Wagner

Alacero Executive Director

Alejandro Wagner is Argentine, Industrial Engineer and has an Executive MBA from IAE Business School. He has more than 15 years of solid public-private experience, working in commercial and planning positions in large mass consumption companies and in the regional and global steel industry. In the public sector, he was general director at the Argentine Investment and International Trade Agency. As Executive Director of Alacero, he promotes the sector’s transition towards an increasingly sustainable, innovative and safe management, working together with leaders of the main companies in the sector, government agencies and international organizations, bringing the vision of the Latin American steel industry to the world.

Gustavo Werneck

CEO Gerdau and President of Alacero

Gustavo Werneck is the president of Alacero and has been CEO of Gerdau since January 2018 and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors since 2019. Previously, he led the Gerdau Aceros Brasil operation, the Company’s main business in the country. He has been with the Company since 2004, having held different strategic positions, such as Corporate Director of Information Technology (CIO), Industrial Director of Gerdau India and Industrial Director of Gerdau Aceros Especiales. He is also a board member of the Instituto Aço Brasil, of Together We Are + and of Amcham (American Chamber of Commerce), and Emeritus Board Member of Conscious Capitalism. Gustavo is coordinator of Grupo Impacto, of the CEO’s Legacy (Fundação Dom Cabral).

Brian Winter

Latin America political analyst

Brian Winter is editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly magazine, widely regarded as the foremost publication on politics, business, and culture in the Americas.

His audience includes CEOs, high-ranking government officials, influential thought leaders, and a general audience with a keen interest in regional affairs.

Brian has gained recognition as a seasoned insider in both Washington and Wall Street circles. He engages with clients throughout Latin America, providing insights into how their respective countries (whether Peru, Argentina, or Colombia) are perceived in the United States, the perspectives of investors and policymakers, and the overall regional perspective At the Council of the Americas, he dedicates his efforts to navigating the intersection between Latin America and the United States.

Since 2015, he has been based in New York City, overseeing Americas Quarterly’s relaunch and growth into a must-read for Latin America’s most influential investors and opinion leaders, while more than doubling its readership online through expanded coverage of political, business, and cultural subjects within the Western Hemisphere.

During his previous tenure as a Reuters correspondent, covering Latin America for a decade, Brian resided in São Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Mexico City. Brian is also a distinguished author or co-author of four books about Latin America. Notably, Why Soccer Matters delves into the captivating world of the iconic Pelé and became a New York Times bestseller. He co-authored The Accidental President of Brazil alongside Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and penned Long After Midnight, an intimate memoir recounting hisexperiences in Argentina.